
I’m thankful for…

a boy in his crib


It’s been a looooooong road getting this little guy to adjust to sleeping in his crib. Just getting him to actually sleep at all. More sleepless nights than I can count or remember and many days of endless tears on all parties, have gotten us to where we are.

Most nights he goes down without a fight and will only wake up twice to nurse. Perhaps he’s finally discovered it’s just more comfortable when you can stretch out. Or maybe he got tired of listening to Hayden yell in her sleep all night. All I know is that this mama is finally getting some shut eye and so is this handsome boy.



I’m thankful for….

simple celebrations


Hayden turns four today. Due to Andy’s work schedule we actually had her party with all her tiny friends a couple of weeks ago. She had a gymnastics party where they all got to run wild and jump in foam pits. Go down a giant blow up slide and jump their hearts out on tiny trampolines. All the while filling up on popcorn, cotton candy and cupcakes. It was fun, and hectic and a jam packed day.
So today we took it down a notch. We ate cupcakes for breakfast. Because, well, we can. You only turn four once.


We filled up lots of balloons and played all morning.


Even the tiniest of us enjoyed them. (no worries, all balloon activity was supervised)


Since today is all about her, Hayden picked out whatever she wanted to wear. She couldn’t quite decide on one look.


Her favorite cousins are coming over for a sleepover so I gathered up supplies for pizza and popcorn to go with our movies.


And while we wait for our party guests, Hayden is starting on her thank you cards for the gifts she already got. These are the cutest cards ever.




Big parties are exciting and memorable. But sometimes it’s the sweet and simple celebrations that take the cake.

arctic life: february

Phew, about missed this one. The month is almost over!

Spring is coming. For most of us who live in Alaska, not soon enough. Daylight savings time is only a couple weeks away and the first day of spring follows close behind.
Which means more often than not, we get to leave our snow gear behind and kick it in our sweet Dr. Martens.


Trips to the store when it’s 50 degrees out means we can wear bucket hats and have the window down.


And I continue to reference this little guy because he’s a trooper and lasted the entire winter and remained green, and survived a moose attack. What a champ.


Ghastly wind storms and single digits temps have come and gone and what actual little snow we got this year seems to be melting fast. Warm daytime temps and chilly nightfalls make for an icy landscape but there is light at the end of the tunnel. The grass is starting to poke it’s way out.


The days are getting longer and the sun is stretching higher into the sky with each new day.



Then begins the really fun game of, let’s see all the stuff that got left out before the snow came and is now frozen in the ground.



I can’t speak for anyone else, but it’s hard to imagine a better sight than this right now. The presence of spring.



Today, Hayden Evelee is officially a four year old.



She is all that is happy, sassy and energetic. She is wildly independent and makes me laugh each and every day.

bunny hat

She is the queen of dress up and most days I don’t even attempt to dress her because I know she’s just going to strip down and be a ladybug.



Or a princess.


Or perhaps a doctor.


She is willing and ready for any adventure. Be sure to leave her at least 10 minutes to prep though. She needs ample time to pack all the essentials in her pack back. Like one of my shoes, some fruit snacks, a few pieces of scrap wood, a couple socks that don’t match, a book, and a pair of broken sunglasses.

car ride


She became a big sister this year and is already a pro.


Her favorite season is summer, when she can run and play outside for endless hours.




She is silly and loves to tell jokes. Talks your ear off if you let her, and can come up with a pretty believable story. Or she might even fill you in on her favorite line from FRIENDS.. “Grandma’s chicken salad…” (said in a super creepy Joey voice)



She is an amazing eater. And I’m not saying that to toot my own horn. She eats sauerkraut you guys! She’ll fight you for the last pepper or broccoli stalk, and there isn’t a fruit she won’t eat. She prefers her eggs over easy, and is surprisingly good at eating sushi with chopsticks. Don’t get me wrong, she can down chocolate covered raisins like it’s nobody’s business. But she’s also been known to sneak into the kitchen when no one is watching and eat 3 bananas in a sitting. Or an entire apple. Seeds included. Oops. Nothing surprises me anymore with her. Not even when she tells me she finished her glass of milk. From dinner yesterday that got left out. Gross.


She can be sassy with the best of them and you better not call her anything but her name or she’ll be sure to let you know your incorrect.

She’s left handed and a wiz with a pair of scissors. Her drawings are hilarious, and if she’s lucky enough to be gifted play doh (play doh and I are no longer friends), she will create and build for days. Or for as long it lasts, which is approximately 2 1/2 days.

Currently her favorite movies are Mr. Peabody and Sherman and Paranorman. She loves Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom and watching You Tube videos of a lady opening easter eggs. It’s so weird but it keeps her busy so whatever.

She’s goofy and funny. Sweet and thoughtful. A lover and a fighter all rolled into one. Days when she’s not around are so boring and she keeps me on my toes in every way. Life with you around Hayden is simply the very best.


six months


You, my beautiful baby boy, are six months old today.


It’s hard to imagine what life was like before you. You are sweet and loving. On most days you would rather snuggle up than be on your own. You are so curious about everything around you and I love to watch your fascination with whatever you get your little hands on.


Your smile and your laugh melts me instantly and whatever frustration I may have felt goes away without any hesitation.



Your sister is the only one that can make you stop crying without even trying. You simply smile in her very presence. You let her dress you up, smoosh you and startle you, and you never fuss.




I love your long eyelashes and golden hair. And your big blue eyes light up my whole world.


Your trying so hard to sit up and it’s hilarious to watch you do little bicycle kicks, like you truly believe your going to get somewhere. Your not a good night time sleeper, not even a little bit. But I forgive you, because you are so incredibly sweet during the day.


You still nurse like a champ and love any food we give you to try. Your already rolling and scooting around and getting into mischief, and enjoy annoying your sister by chewing on her socks or pulling her hair when she’s not paying attention.


Your little personality is really starting to develop and I’m over the moon to spend each and every moment with you. Reid Philip, thanks for letting me be your mama.



I’m thankful for….

the smallest of cousins


These two adorable little people were born 2 weeks apart. I can’t even begin to tell you how convenient it is to have had a baby at the same time as your friend/family. The obvious reason like they always have on hand clothes, diapers, wipes, etc when you run out. So handy. But it makes such a big difference that you have someone close to you that is experiencing the same things. Sleepless nights, fussy babies, and tiny meltdowns that you aren’t sure what to do with. It helps that you have a supporter that understands completely, because they are in the same spot. The very best part? These guys get to grow up together. They now are aware of each and smile and giggle at one another. It is the sweetest and most hilarious thing to watch. I’m so excited to watch them grow and learn together and become the best of friends.
